Balance the Superfood Shot

by | Feb 17, 2020 | Product Spotlight | 0 comments

As a mom, are you worried if your kids eat enough fruits and veggies? My kids are pretty good eaters, but as they grow up (and of course have experiences and foods outside of my bubble ), they tend to be a little more particular. I don’t know too many kids that would pick a veggie over some other treat. To help boost my kid’s fruit and veggie intake, we incorporate Balance Superfood Shots. They love them because they think they are getting a treat!
Balance is a superfood shot that provides ½ your days fruits and veggies from a blend of organic fruits and vegetables with no added sugar and no preservatives. It comes in a delicious 2 oz. shot, is shelf stable (although better if refrigerated in my opinion) and easy to toss in your kid’s lunchbox or your bag for an extra boost of nutrients throughout the day.


Which flavor?













My favorite is probably the Foundational and my boys actually like them all. They both like the Immunity and then one prefers the Foundational and the other prefers the Turmeric.
If you too would like to boost your kids (or your own) fruit and veggie intake, definitely check them out.


How do you try them?

They are found in many stores, but you can use the code ASHLEY50 to get them even cheaper. Using the code ASHLEY50 will get you 30% off one time orders and 50% off your initial subscription order and free shipping (subsequent orders on the subscription will also receive 25% off and free shipping!). At anytime you are not wanting to continue, you can cancel.
Keep in mind you can only use the code once, so if you think you would rather get 50% off, do that for a few months to stock up and then you can pause simply by contacting them.


Ordering options:
1. One time shipment of 2 pack (3 pack for mixed box)
2. One time shipment of 6 pack
3. One time or subscription shipment of 12 pack
4. One time or subscription shipment of 24 pack


You can get all one flavor or a mixed box and for subscription shipments you can do monthly or every month. Remember you can always contact them to pause your shipments or skip one if needed.


What’s holding you back!? 




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